

  • SNC-VB770


Functions added / changed in Ver. 1.3.0

- The security has been enhanced.
- Changing the Administrator Password is required when accessing the camera for the first time. 
The default administrator name and password are as follows.
    - User name:  admin
    - Password:    Admin_1234
Set a user name between 5 and 16 characters and a password between 8 and 28 characters. Create a user name and password using half-width characters that do not include ", (comma)", "#", "&", ":" or "(space)". Passwords must contain both an alphabet and a numeric character.

[Note] For version up users

- Before execute version up to V1.3.0, administrator and user names and passwords should be set using above specifications.
- If you have not set administrator and user names and passwords using above specifications before execute version up to V1.3.0, administrator name and password will be changed to default value after version up to V1.3.0 and all user names and passwords will be cleared.   You require to set administrator password as above and all user name and password.